Feeling depressed? Lost your job? Improve yourself and be motivated, the next job is round the corner.
The first thing that hurts us during a slowdown is our self esteem. And it slowly begins to erode our clarity of thought. Although, it’s tough we must motivate ourselves to keep oneself engaged during such times. What are the simple things to do?
Look for good consultants
Yes, we must find out the right consultants who work in our domain and reach them. For which we need specialized resumes in sync with the job applied for.
Find a part time job
If you can’t get a full time work, part time is better than rotting or wallowing in self pity. Don’t worry about whether it’s within your core domain knowledge. Employers would like to know what meaningful activity you did during a career break.
Consult if you can
Is there a key skill or capability you can put to use. DO IT NOW. Take up an assignment.
Pursue a dream
The slowdown is a god sent opportunity for chasing those little dreams of yours. Give back to community, learn hip hop, bike, travel or start a blog.
Connect to professional forums
Now’s the time to look for those clubs, associations, libraries to join. Participate, network and build relationships.
Read some books
With time on our hands, we might benefit immensely from reading a self improvement book, good fiction or favourite authors. Perhaps, you might want to do some reading on trends in your professional area of activity.
Most important of all, connect to family
When our emotions are disturbed, we must anchor our thoughts in family. These bonds are strong enough to dissipate negative thoughts and re-energize us.
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