From cries within my heart
Energy soars from emptiness
Lost in thoughts of sweet caress
Pure Love your light surrounding me
Gives me peace of Samsara sea
As star pattern movements sway
Night's alight in love's array
Close your eyes and see
Inside you are all of me
I Know you are mine
Souls forever entwined
Breaths of you become my bliss
Nothing to hold, all to miss
Stopped in time with an Angel kiss
I am your all, in all of this
I love you so
As the wind driven snow
As the dawn's morning glow
You are love, all I know
As the moon's soft shine
As Earth's endless time
No reason or rhyme
I Know you are mine
Debbylyn and Barry
My lady's presence makes the roses red My lady's presence makes the roses red, Because to see her lips they blush for shame. The lily's leaves, for envy, pale became, And her white hands in them this envy bred. The marigold the leaves abroad doth spread, Because the sun's and her power is the same. The violet of purple colour came. Dyed in the blood she made my heart to shed. In brief: all flowers from her their virtue take; From her sweet breath their sweet smells do proceed; The living heat which her eyebeams doth make Warmeth the ground and quickeneth the seed. The rain, wherewith she watereth the flowers, Falls from mine eyes, which she dissolves in showers.
Henry Constable, poet
Sweetest Love, I do not go
Sweetest love, I do not go,
For weariness of thee,
Nor in hope the world can show
A fitter love for me;But since that
IMust die at last, 'tis best
To use myself in jest
Thus by feign'd deaths to die.
Yesternight the sun went hence,
And yet is here today;He hath no desire nor sense,
Nor half so short a way:Then fear not me,
But believe that I shall makeSpeedier journeys,
since I takeMore wings and spurs than he.
O how feeble is man's power,
That if good fortune fall,
Cannot add another hour,
Nor a lost hour recall!
But come bad chance,
And we join to'it our strength,
And we teach it art and length,
Itself o'er us to'advance.
When thou sigh'st, thou sigh'st not wind,
But sigh'st my soul away;
When thou weep'st, unkindly kind,
My life's blood doth decay.
It cannot be
That thou lov'st me, as thou say'st,
If in thine my life thou waste,
That art the best of me.
Let not thy divining heart
Forethink me any ill;
Destiny may take thy part,
And may thy fears fulfil;
But think that we
Are but turn'd aside to sleep;
They who one another keepAlive, ne'er parted be.
John Donne
I used to dream of eyes so blue
And loving arms to hold me.
I used to dream of heroic knights
And how gracious they would be.
I used to dream of how I wouldn’t settle
For anything less than best.
I used to dream of how he would majestically
Lay all fears to rest.
I used to dream of fairy tales,
How wondrous would they be
I used to dream of story books
All patterned after me.
I used to dream of a lot of things,
But the moment I met you,
I immediately stopped dreaming,
Because all of my dreams came true.
Tina Cerruti