The old Irish proverbs are full of wisdom and endlessly motivating. My pick of the best Irish proverbs.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Irish Proverb
The mills of God grind slowly but they grind finely.
Irish Proverb
The longest road out is the shortest road home.
Irish Proverb
Rome was not built in a day.
Irish Proverb
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
Irish Proverb
The best horse doesn't always win the race.
Irish Proverb
When the apple is ripe it will fall.
Irish Proverb
A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied.
Irish Proverb
The work praises the man.
Irish Proverb
The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke.
Irish Proverb
Castles were built a stone at a time.
Irish Proverb
Even the longest day has its end.
Irish Proverb
A lie travels farther than the truth.
Irish Proverb
You must crack the nuts before you can eat the kernel.
Irish Proverb
Good luck beats early rising.
Irish Proverb
There is no fireside like your own fireside.
Irish Proverb
Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout.
Irish Proverb
What fills the eye fills the heart.
Irish Proverb
A lock is better than suspicion.
Irish Proverb
A kind word never broke anyone's mouth.
Irish Proverb
There is no wise man without fault.
Irish Proverb
Don't postpone a good deed.
Irish Proverb
It's easy to halve the potato where there's love.
Irish Proverb
As the big hound is, so will the pup be.
Irish Proverb
It is a long road that has no turning.
Irish Proverb
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