In order to pull traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and AOL, fresh and new content is needed on a site or blog. How much to write, find out.
Many people across the world blog on a variety of subjects. As a website owner or blogger you must write or get someone else to produce good quality content. The content should be focused on a particular subject. Let’s say for example, you are running a site or blog on pet care, you must produce content on pets, the general health problems, care for pets, pet diet, cleaning cats and dogs, when you should take them to the vet etc.
How much is enough, we always wonder.
My suggestion is look to write about 400 to 500 word articles articles on any relevant theme. This length is enough to cover aspects of theme you’ve focused on, indicates to Google and other search engines that the site provides useful information to the users. The quality content clearly states to search engines and users your commitment to provide enriching and meaningful articles.
500 pages of content over a period of two to four years. And is bound to pull traffic in droves, especially if it’s focused on a niche, is good quality, and written to benefit users. However, 100 pages of solid content is a good starting point to building traffic on your site.
Millions of people use search engines to look for content on different subjects of interest to them. You stand a good chance to attract visitors on the internet if you produce top quality content.
Never compromise on content, because that’s what visitors come for to any site. Build websites and blogs for online users, not for search engines.
Frequency of Blog Content
Post content regularly on your site. Atleast twice a week. This is very important. Don’t be sporadic, posting an article daily for a month and then not posting for the next two months. Users who come back to site and don’t find fresh content will not come back again. And you’d have lost the chance to build a loyal user base on your site or blog.
Write Original Content
Original content is what you aim for, that’s what everyone loves. And that’s what search engines are always looking for – new content to give their searchers.
No matter what tools, technologies, techniques you employ, you need great content on site to delight users. Just get that clear. And you are on the way to building a good online business through a blog or website.
Content is king and we all know about this . Everyone want to write unique quality content but all are not gifted and have potential to write so if you can share some tips on how to write effective content for your website.