If we succeed in eye to eye contact with co-workers we can win the confidence of that person. Learn Tips from the experts and benefit at office.
Eye Contact Body Language
Looking at people and meeting their eyes are the first steps toward striking up friendships and making positive impressions. The best advice is to make short frequent glances in social situations. Making eye contact for too long a duration can be seen as threatening; the subtext of interest becomes distorted. Failing to look at others causes suspicion as they wonder what signals are being asked. "Honesty and the ability to look someone in the eye are very closely elated," continues Dr. Marsh. Refusing to make eye contact also sends messages of arrogance and contempt communicating to the other person that they are insignificant, a non-person. There are subtle, silent rules to eye contact and they vary from culture to culture.
Jill Bremer
Why is eye contact so powerful? Good eye contact cuts physical distance in half, helps you connect with your audience on a personal level, invites audience members to participate in your presentation (if I look at you long enough you WILL talk), enables you to gauge your audience's reaction to your presentation, stops hecklers from pestering you, and so much more.
Debbie Bailey, Trainer2Go Inc.,
The eyes are a wonderful gift. They give us the ability to express our feelings of
love...acceptance...hope...fear..anger...and much more without a single word. We also gather so much with our eyes, from the most majestic scenes of nature, to the twinkle in the eye of a newborn.
David Duncan
Make eye contact. Eye contact emphasizes sincerity and without sincerity your point will not be received. All animals, including humans, use eye contact to read intentions and many have said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. A strong gaze also captivates the audience. You demand attention by giving it.
Heather Lyman
I know a person who is very competent in her job. However, when she speaks to individuals or groups, she does so with her eyes shut. When she opens them periodically, she stares off in a direction away from the listener. She is perceived as incompetent by those with whom she consults. One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the listener’s eyes and then move to the other. Going back and forth between the two (and I hope they only have two) makes your eyes appear to sparkle. Another trick is to imagine a letter “T” on the listener’s face with the cross bar being an imaginary line across the eye brows and the vertical line coming down the center of the nose. Keep your eyes scanning that “T” zone.
Bert Webb
If talking to people outdoors, avoid wearing sunglasses as this can be very uncomfortable for the other person and can give an image of trying to hide your identity (a shifty salesman, for example). In addition, try to blink as less as possible as this can make it difficult for the other person to understand you (due to being distracted). Blinking less also gives an image of confidence.
Office Communication Help
Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use the 3-second method, e.g. look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time. Have direct eye contact with a number of people in the audience, and every now and then glance at the whole audience while speaking. Use your eye contact to make everyone in your audience feel involved.
Work Research guide
If someone in your audience is talking, focus eye contact directly on her until she stops. This shows you are in control and gets the audience to focus entirely on you.
Non Verbal Signals
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