Manage your anger and you can manage your happiness.
Take a "time out." Although it may seem cliche, counting to 10 before reacting, or leaving the situation altogether, really can defuse your temper.
Mayo Clinic
Relaxation can be achieved by replacing your
angry thoughts or images with those that are peaceful and
tranquil. Use your imagination and let it take you to a
happier time in your life or a more peaceful setting. Allow
yourself to relive a proud moment from your childhood or
to visually experience the vacation of your dreams.
Whether you are hitting the game-winning home run in little
league or lying on the most beautiful beach in the world, it
is extremely difficult to feel angry while feeling so at peace.
Dr. Lyle Becourtney
Don't vent out your anger; this may seem a strange thing to say, as a decade ago, any psychiatrist would tell you keep a punching bag for beating up when you are angry. Modern research shows the more you practice a particular emotion, you are more likely to use it too, just like the age-old idiom "practice makes perfect". So, instead of venting out anger, concentrate on eliminating it completely by thinking of better, nicer things. Reminiscing about something you've truly enjoyed in the past will take you mind away from the current anger. Also, make use of the old method advising you to "count to ten". Except, without making a boring 1,2,3...give a twist to it, and count to make it fun, like "1-frosted cake, 2-frosted concentrating on the counting, you'll let go you of your anger.
Trevor Johnson
Holding onto anger is like grasping onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.
Once you’re aware of what types of things make you angry, you can start cutting some of these triggers out of your life. For example, if you find that you often get angry in the car when you’re in a hurry and slow traffic makes you late, you can work on reorganizing your schedule to find a few extra minutes to accommodate traffic. You can play music in your car to relax you, or use stress management techniques to calm your physiology.
Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Recognizing angry feelings. The first step is to recognize the early warning signs of anger. For people who tend to blow up, the trick is to learn to feel the anger when it is simply irritation or frustration. Learning to recognize that something is bothering you early will help you to deal with it sooner, before you get so upset that you cannot manage your response. For people who repress their anger the trick is to recognize the anger before you store it away. Usually people who repress anger actually feel anger, but they label it as stress or sadness. It will be important to start to recognize that the uncomfortable feelings of muscle tightness or anxiety are really angry feelings.
Dispassionate, such as giving the cold shoulder or phony smiles, looking cool, sitting on the fence while others sort things out, dampening feelings with substance abuse (to include overeating), oversleeping, not responding to other’s anger, frigidity, indulging in sexual practices that depress spontaneity and make objects of participants, giving inordinate amounts of time to machines, objects or intellectual pursuits, talking of frustrations but showing no feeling is passive anger.
It is important to maintain balance with your stress levels. Incorporate daily stress relief activities such as meditation and exercise to keep your stress levels regulated. Often when people are "too stressed" they become irritable and angry. Take time out for yourself and unwind... relax... do yourself and your family a favour.
Take a "time out." Although it may seem cliche, counting to 10 before reacting, or leaving the situation altogether, really can defuse your temper.
Mayo Clinic
Relaxation can be achieved by replacing your
angry thoughts or images with those that are peaceful and
tranquil. Use your imagination and let it take you to a
happier time in your life or a more peaceful setting. Allow
yourself to relive a proud moment from your childhood or
to visually experience the vacation of your dreams.
Whether you are hitting the game-winning home run in little
league or lying on the most beautiful beach in the world, it
is extremely difficult to feel angry while feeling so at peace.
Dr. Lyle Becourtney
Don't vent out your anger; this may seem a strange thing to say, as a decade ago, any psychiatrist would tell you keep a punching bag for beating up when you are angry. Modern research shows the more you practice a particular emotion, you are more likely to use it too, just like the age-old idiom "practice makes perfect". So, instead of venting out anger, concentrate on eliminating it completely by thinking of better, nicer things. Reminiscing about something you've truly enjoyed in the past will take you mind away from the current anger. Also, make use of the old method advising you to "count to ten". Except, without making a boring 1,2,3...give a twist to it, and count to make it fun, like "1-frosted cake, 2-frosted concentrating on the counting, you'll let go you of your anger.
Trevor Johnson
Holding onto anger is like grasping onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.
Once you’re aware of what types of things make you angry, you can start cutting some of these triggers out of your life. For example, if you find that you often get angry in the car when you’re in a hurry and slow traffic makes you late, you can work on reorganizing your schedule to find a few extra minutes to accommodate traffic. You can play music in your car to relax you, or use stress management techniques to calm your physiology.
Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Recognizing angry feelings. The first step is to recognize the early warning signs of anger. For people who tend to blow up, the trick is to learn to feel the anger when it is simply irritation or frustration. Learning to recognize that something is bothering you early will help you to deal with it sooner, before you get so upset that you cannot manage your response. For people who repress their anger the trick is to recognize the anger before you store it away. Usually people who repress anger actually feel anger, but they label it as stress or sadness. It will be important to start to recognize that the uncomfortable feelings of muscle tightness or anxiety are really angry feelings.
Dispassionate, such as giving the cold shoulder or phony smiles, looking cool, sitting on the fence while others sort things out, dampening feelings with substance abuse (to include overeating), oversleeping, not responding to other’s anger, frigidity, indulging in sexual practices that depress spontaneity and make objects of participants, giving inordinate amounts of time to machines, objects or intellectual pursuits, talking of frustrations but showing no feeling is passive anger.
It is important to maintain balance with your stress levels. Incorporate daily stress relief activities such as meditation and exercise to keep your stress levels regulated. Often when people are "too stressed" they become irritable and angry. Take time out for yourself and unwind... relax... do yourself and your family a favour.
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